Babies + Pets | Diffusing Oils Safely

Essential oil blends can help with a variety of baby ailments like colic, sleep challenges and teething as well as pet issues like fleas, loss of appetite, stress and more. Babies and pets have a highly developed sense of smell and sensitive, so it is wise to go lightly on use of essential oils in their presence.
A good rule of thumb when you have babies and pets in the household: a little essential oil goes a long way.
Passive Inhalation is Best
If you are passively diffusing only (nothing topical, and no acute inhalation like an inhaler or steamer or direct sniffs right from the diffuser), then in most cases it would be perfectly safe to use between 1-3 drops for babies or up to 6 drops for pets in an aromatherapy diffuser in an open, well-vented area.
Essential Oils to Avoid
Some essential oils to avoid during pregnancy, when nursing, around babies and pets include Aniseed, Sage, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Fennel, Hyssop, Oregano, Myrtle, and Myrrh. There are a number of other commonly used oils that we do not use at all at The Blending Bar because there are so many more gentle and equally effective choices. These include essential oils of Camphor, Pennyroyal, Cinnamon Bark (Cinnamon Leaf is ok in small amounts) and Wintergreen.
Diffuse for Short Periods of Time
Furthermore, many people leave their diffusers going for way too long. This can potentially burden small metabolic systems to process. Diffusing for 15-20 minutes at a time with breaks in between diffuser sessions is the safest and most effective way to diffuse essential oils.
There are natural ways to help make this time a bit more comfortable and supported for your baby (and for you!). Check out our Baby Collection to see all the ways essential oils can help alleviate some of the discomforts of common baby ailments.
I had the honour of teaming up with a Veterinarian and a Small Animal Massage Practitioner to put our uniquely educated minds together to co-create 12 essential oil blends specifically for our cats and dogs. Leave a door open so pets have the option of leaving the area if they don’t like the smell or it's too strong.
If you have any questions, please connect with our Certified Aromatherapists.
- Amy Reedman
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