Oily Skin Care

Oily Skin Care

"I reach for Jojoba when blending for those with acne, rosacea, psoriasis or eczema because its molecular structure is almost identical to sebum- the natural oil in the skin. It beautifully supports the skin to rebalance, replenish and restore itself."

-Amy Reedman

"Oil-Free" has been a buzzword in makeup and skin care forever but now oily skin care is stepping up! There are different kinds of oils - many of which can help enhance your face care routine - so we are clearing up the myth that oil is bad for skin care. 

What’s the difference between mineral oils, carrier oils, and essential oils?

A lot! When packaging says "oil-free" they are actually referring to mineral oil which is a liquid by-product of refining crude oil. Some types of mineral oil can place a thick barrier on the skin, clogging pores and leaching vitamins from your skin. (ew!) 

Carrier oils are totally different. These plant-derived oils like grapeseed oil, coconut oil and jojoba oil are rich in vitamins and very beneficial for the skin.  As Certified Aromatherapists, we use carrier oils as the base to dilute essential oils and protect the skin from the potentially irritating and sensitizing properties of essential oils. You are your skin with notice and love the difference!

Essential oils are not oily but they separate in water which is why they are classified as oils. Most essential oils wouldn't stain clothes as they are not oily- they simply separate in water.

Will oily products cause breakouts on my face?

Many carrier oils are excellent for the skin! For example, jojoba oil's molecular structure is almost identical to sebum, which is the natural oil in your skin. Jojoba is regenerative and helps reactive or sensitive skin re-balance so it can heal itself. Jojoba oil is supportive for those who have rosacea, dry skin, or acne. 

If you would like to learn more about how to use oils to care for your skin, please do reach out to us. 

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  • Amy Reedman
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